Logmore Feature: the Web & Model Three Update

Following the recent release of the Logmore QR model Three, we've added some new stuff to the Logmore Web view. Where appropriate, the UI now shows the sensor data from model Three loggers.
Now that the Web accommodates model Threes as well, it's obviously important for the users to find them as well. Fortunately it's an easy task: on the Loggers page the model Threes are easily recognizable by both their serial number (starting with #3XXXXX) and the much larger body of measurement data in the summary. All Threes linked to your account can also be found by typing "model 3" in the logger search bar!

Versatility and customisability
In the post Logmore Feature: Model Three I highlighted the versatility of the logger. As I mentioned, model Three is the most versatile of our data loggers. Explaining the versatility is probably easiest if I list the sensors again:
- Temperature (like in all our models)
- Ambient light (likewise)
- Humidity
- Shocks
- Tilts
The new model Three logger page shows all of the data collected by the QR tag based on the settings given at configuration. This means you can disable the sensors you don't need for your use case to save the battery and to streamline the scan view. Handy!
As an example, many companies are bound to need both temperature and humidity monitoring for their goods, so they might disable the shock/acceleration sensor. On the other hand, certain fragile goods like glass or some electronics might not be too susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity, but knowing when and why shocks occur might be vital information for development and insurances.

Boosted configurability
The Flasher, our light configuration system, has also been modified to accommodate for all the new sensors. When configuring the model Threes, you can define the sensors you want to use and the measurement interval. Unlike temperature and humidity, shocks will be separately recognized when they occur instead of at set intervals.
In addition, the light sensor of the newer model Two loggers can be configured by the user by using the light configuration. You can recognize the configurable model Two loggers by their serial number, which is above 100k.

Location data ordered
The scans are now numbered to make it easier to distinguish on the map where the first scan occurred, where the second, and so on. Clicking a marker on the map gives you some additional information on the scan that occurred in that location. The scan location numbers are also visible in the scan list, making it easy to follow the scan timeline.
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